The OpenVDB-TSC and U-Render allowed me to use the Logos.
My Master thesis is on OpenVDB and realtime rendering. This is done with NanoVDB and The Forge.
Click the Icon to see more pictures.

Vulkan Framework

The topic of my research internship in university is to create a Vulkan framework with fellow students. Through this internship I have gained a lot of insight into the API and have dealt with the creation of a graphics framework within a group.

Fantasy Film

A fellow student and I have created a fantasy film about penguins with the help of Blender. This is about what would happen if intelligent penguins would fly into space.

Procedural Terrain

One project with fellow students was to create a landscape. I focused mainly on the creation of terrain and used noise to create procedural terrain in a grid structure with tessellation and level of detail.

GPU-based Particlesystem

In my bachelor thesis I implemented a particle system on the GPU. This was extended by an acceleration data structure to massively improve the performance of the neighbor search.

AR-VR Collaboration

In my project internship, we created an AR/VR dungeon crawler within Unity in a group. In this, the AR and VR side have to interact and support each other. Here I mainly contributed to the visualization and calculation of the AR side.